My mom and I went over to my grandparents condo to watch the awards. I enjoyed it. I thought that alot of people who didn't win should have, but I had a good time.
We came in at the end of Kristin Chenoweth's number. It was about 8 o'clock.
I thought that Jon Stewart's baby joke was a little bit retarded.
I thought that Cameron Diaz's attitude was fabulous, although her dress not so much.
I actually really like Helen Mirren's dress although my mom thought it made her hips look too wide.
Speaking of dresses, I liked the dress Nicole Kidman wore and the necklace, but was annoyed in the beginning, because it was, like, caught on one of her boobs.
I was annoyed that No Country For Old Men kept winning all those awards and I thought Juno deserved it more.
I thought it was cool that Diablo Cody won for Juno though, so that was good.
I don't think Jon Stewart did a very good job at all.
The other thing that was really cool was the montages from the past 80 years. They did Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Director, Best Picture, and the In Memoriam.
I think Johnny Depp deserves an oscar because he gives enjoyment to the general populace, who are more important than the stuffy old people who are members of the Academy. I mean, seriously, the same people who vote now were voting in 1928. I think the Academy should be made up of people of all ages, so that it is an accurate representation of movies that real live people actually liked. Not just depressing movies about things like the Holocaust. I often feel that movies win awards based on how depressing they are. my mom says that although these awards are not voted on, by normal people, its okay, because that's what the people's choice awards are for.
I think that Hollywood is completely stupid, because Hairspray was not nominated for anything.
I was entertained by the fact that the Oscars ended 10 minutes early, instead of an hour late for once.
I am also wondering when the Miley Cyrus interview was, because I must have gotten the time wrong.
Although the girl who got best actress was really excited, I thought that Ellen Page deserved it more, which i admit I say with a very unexpert opinion, because I didn't even see the movie.
Also, Transformers didn't win anything which was a bummer.
The guy who was blogging backstage was really funny and my favorite quote form onstage is still "Cinme-blah. I can do it. Cinematography."
Also, since everyone exits the same way, why does everyone try to exit the worng way.
The Halle Berry, Judi Densch guys were really funny, but I can't decide which one was Halle Berry. I think it might have been the taller one.
I hope that I win an Oscar someday and that I can go up there and thank all of my friends and my mom and then scream and jump around in front of billions of people. I would enjoy the opportunity to embarrass myself, because even being on that stage would mean I was the best of the best, or one of those girls, who guide people offstage. But, hey. either works for me.
PS. I took the picture.