First Homework. PANIC!!!
I finally logged into the SchoolFusion equivalent at my college called Moodle. Now, all of that is well and good, but my issue is this assignment.
"Your bio should tell us some basic things about you and be professionally presented. You need not tell us things we already know. For example, that you are a student at Columbia. Make sure what we see is not a first draft."
I have no idea what to do. I mean does he want... "Rachel Bielinski was born in blah blah blah and then at the age of seven she moved to blah blah blah. Her parents are Bridget and both of whom are now married to others. Her step-parents are Steve and Susan. Her birthday is blah blah blah. She is interested in blah blah blah."
Or is it more of like who I am as an artist?? I know that college is supposed to be more free and you figure it out all by yourself, but I... like doing things right. So, if it is at all possible I would like to do my first assignment of the year right. I guess I'll just have to do what seems right to me. I don't really have problem with the bio part, my real issue is "professionally presented." I don't know what that means. I'm not sure if I should talk about my love for Buffy and Charmed or if this is supposed to be something that I'd want my employers to see. It's entirely possible as well that this whole thing is an exercise in seeing what we think the assignment means.
Well, at the very least I know that I did the other half of the assignment right. I was asked to put an "actual, recognizable photo of yourself." I cropped my Senior picture and put that up. So, if I were to be graded right now I would get a 2 out of 5... which is why I need to figure out what kind of bio I'm doing, but I'll get there. I have 6 days and plenty of time to do a million drafts.
The professional part I believe is in the writing, because he mentions not presenting a first-looking draft as your final draft and writing basic information, such as your being a Columbia Student.
I know your mom could help you, but if you need help from me too, I am here to assist...
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