Giggles and Musings
My life in well...... not a nutshell. I will be telling the world what is going on in mine (my world that is).
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008

I just finished the movie Footloose. I have to say, I am not really sure that I liked it. It was a typical 80's movie and it was very predictable. I disliked most of the main characters, even Ren and Ariel. the only people I like were Rusty and her kinda boyfriend whose name escapes me. I thought the music was okay and the dancing was really weird. It was hard for me to think of Kevin Bacon as the type of person that needs to be in this role. The townspeople and the preacher were so annoying and I wanted to shoot them, because they were being so stupid about something as simple as a high school prom. I liked the end, but the rest of the movie was just not for me. But I'm still going to see the remake that Zac Efron is staring in.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Another Regular Day
I am spending the night at Sydney's tonight and we were going to go to the park, but it was raining. So, instead we watched a lot of Smallville and then we talked her dad into taking us to the store to buy popcorn and Popsicles. It was a pretty uneventful night. we weren't even up that late. We also figured out exactly what part of the house Sydney's room is over, because we were bored. I had the most comfortable sleep I had ever had a her house because I slept sideways. That's about it.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Today, I went to see Indiana Jones with Sydney, because we are both really big fans. It was fun. I thought it was great that they used the old Paramount logo,because it was hearkening back to the original Indiana's. The story line was actually really decent and I enjoyed the fact that Karen Allen had a cameo as her character Marion Ravenwood. I thought it was a good move on the studio's part. I enjoyed the movie, but it was a little to sci-fi for an Indiana Jones movie. It wasn't like the old ones which were all history based there was a lot of magic and fantasy in it. But regardless it was good and I think based on the ending that they will be making another one. The only real problem I had with it was that there was a lot of CGI, I wish they had used more old-school techniques to do the stunts and special effects.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Erin's Birthday

Today was Erin's birthday and I forgot to get her a present, so I have to get one. Oops! We went bowling and it was fun. I actually did pretty well, and I got a strike. it was fun, but we only bowled two games. I wish we had done more. Indiana Jones comes out tomorrow, I am really excited. Sydney and I are supposed to be going right after school tomorrow. But I can't check the movie times until tomorrow, so if it is too early or too late, we can't go. That's about it. Also today was my last day of Heroes class forever. Yay!!! Plus, Sydney was trying to channel Micheal Jackson at the bowling alley and tried to do the splits and sprained something. For the rest of the night she walked funny.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
I love forums, because you can say what you want and no one can get in your face about it. There are forums on and they are a lot of fun. I have found a lot of people to be friends with. I think i will continue to go on often.
Today, Dara started randomly talking to us again. We excepted her apology, but we both agree, that we might not be able to trust her to not do it again, oh well. Erin is trying out for Ruckus, which is our school dance team. I am ready for summer. I just want this year to end, so I can start fresh next year.
I am going to go back to my forum and my movie now. TTFN!
Monday, May 19, 2008
I have nothing to say
Today was the senior awards assembly. It was held in the district theater and all the freshmen and sophomores had to sit upstairs in the balcony. The issue with that is the sophomore class is really big and so we didn't all fit. About half the freshmen class (and me) were sitting on the stairs or on other people's laps. This is illegal because it's a fire hazard but the teachers didn't seem to know that. So of course, because it's a fire hazard, the fire alarm gets pulled. So we all had to exit the building. I almost got trampled. Sorry, thinking. Mommie!!!! No, no, no, no, no, no. Giggle, giggle, giggle.
I found out later that they um thought the fire alarm had been pulled but it didn't show up on the grid and so they don't know who pulled it or where. Wow, you would think high tech things would work better.
After we came back in from the fire drill thing ish, ok or you can say that, STOP IT!, that doesn't make any sense, STOP IT!, giggle, giggle, Ugh. Ok.
Um, a bunch of the kids went downstairs and so there were empty seats. That was good but I still sat on the stairs because the only place to sit was far away from my friends and very close to Dara, who I'm not talking to.
Don't type this. What do I say after that? Stop it. I'm asking for input here. Ahhhh!
Giggle, giggle, giggle.
Ummm, Mom is being annoying. She's typing this for me and has decided to type everything I say. That makes this really confusing. Oh well. Ow.
Um. I don't know what else happened today. Oh, I had detention and Erin tried out for Ruckus. Oh, you spelled it right. (of course, I did.) eh, um, giggle. this makes me laugh. i wish you would stop. stope? giggle. Ok. Um, I, oh, I'm reading the Chronicles of Narnia, again. But I think I told you that already.
Have I told you that I really like lime popsicles? They, they, they're just really good. You had to put my stutter in there? Hmmph.
I think I'm done now. Is this a post? No, no, no, no. I said, this post! This post appears to be longer than it is. I will post tomorrow. This is funny, I'm entertained by this. Goodnight.
Labels: nonsense
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Absolutely nothing happened today! I spent the night at Sydney's house and when we got up we watched Smallville and then Stargate SG-1. It was relaxing and fun. I left her house around 4 and I had to take the bus home which I hate, but more so going downvalley, so this wasn't that bad. I came home and just hung out. I am kinda tired. I am reading the Chronicles of Narnia books again, because I just saw the second movie. I have school tomorrow.
I went to the park last night with Sydney and I spent most of my time on the swings. I thought about our tiny backyard and how a swing set, would probably, just fit. It made me really want a swing set in our backyard, but the problem is I don't think the swing set I want exists. I want a set with two swings and I want it to be stable. I would prefer wooden flat seats as opposed to the ones to the plastic one at most parks that squeeze your hips. I have been looking for a picture to go with this post for about half an hour and I can't seem to find the right thing. Oh well. I will post tomorrow.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Battle of the Bands 08
Today, I went to the Battle of the Bands, it was alot of fun. I was there with Sydney and Erin. Dara was supposed to come with us, but she was mad at us again. We were there from around 3 o'clock til 7:30, but it started at noon. It was alot of fun seeing the kids we know playing their hearts out and having a blast. We saw so not-so-good bands and some fabulous ones. There were six awards. The school funk band and the school blues band each won one of the school -orchastrated awards. Common House won one of the Judge's Choice awards, I can't remember who won the other one. The Bolsheviks got best garage-band and Pink Helmet was the runner-up. Galen Gatzke won the best guitarist award and went up on the stage and said that he didn't deserve it and he was going to give it to someone who did. It was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed it. I was proud of the people I know who won awards and I thought they were really brave to get up on that stage. Now, I am at my friend Sydney's house and we are getting ready to go to the park. I will post tomorrow. Peace and Victory Out!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Prince Caspian

Yesterday, after school we went to a really expensive, store in town and tried on clothes that we were never going to buy. There we met up with one of Sydney and Dara's friends named Michelle, who is rich and she bought us smoothies. After we drank our smoothies Dara opened Doughboys, so that we could see the inside, because it had been rearranged. Soon after we arrived at Doughboys, Dara and Sydney, started screaming and getting physical. I got in between them and got smacked and pushed. Sydney and I left, but ten minutes later Dara had found us and we were all friends again. Lame, huh? Then we went back into Doughboys and tried on a ton of stuff and Dara wouldn't stop ragging on my style, which was making me mad. Then we realized that it was almost time for Prince Caspian and so we had to clean up. Sydney and I went ahead to the movie and got seats which was a good thing, because it turned out that half our school was at the movie.
Then we watched Prince Caspian. it was a really good movie, but more people died and it was more violent. Also, although I talk during movies, Dara was driving me insane, because anytime Susan even looked at Prince Caspian Dara would scream, "No, he's mine." It was getting really annoying and kinda ruining the movie. All in all the movie was good, but it was really long, like two and a half hours, so Sydney and I just got to my house now.
Also today was the last day of actual school for the seniors.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
I had to "bake" a pie for my World Literature class so I bought a frozen pie and spent the last hour baking it. I also completely forgot that I still had dance class for 2 weeks, so at about 7:55 PM, I asked my mom what time it was and she told me and I suddenly remembered that I had dance class. The only problem was that Steve had gone somewhere with the car, so we had no way of getting to dance. It wasn't Steve's fault, I should have remembered. The only way it is anywhere near his fault is that he didn't take his phone with him, but I leave my phone at home a lot too, so I shouldn't be talking. Plus, today was our last day of filming and it was an interesting experience, because we did the show completely scriptless and I think Brad was getting mad at us, because we had no sense of direction and our last show ran over. Oops, our bad, but it was probably the most fun i have had at Broadcasting all year. Today, was a pretty good day and I think Sydney is spending the night tomorrow. I have to go take my pie out of the oven and go to bed. Goodnight!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
So, yesterday I got in trouble for beating a guy up at my school. I have two detentions. So, basically what happened was this: I saw my friend Dara at this table with her brother and this guy named Esly Cano. I come over and hear him saying all this sexist stuff about women. I stay silent and he keeps talking completely oblivious to the fact that I am becoming more livid by the second. Finally, he says one last thing that broke my resolve and I start whaling on him. He stands up and runs away from me and in the process takes Dara's book. She gets all mad and chases him, but since I am not in the mood to run, I just picked up my stuff and walked in the other direction. Later Dara comes up to me and says that we are both in trouble because when Esly took her book she followed him to the middle of the science wing and then started screaming. Then when she was talking to Brad, she said something about how I was hitting Esly too. So know I have two detentions, well 1 now because I served one today. I was really annoyed.
Also, I found out something really sad about one of my friend's fathers, but I won't tell you specifics because I am pretty sure she wouldn't want it posted on the internet.
I will post tomorrow!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Today and my dance show
Today, I saw Tamiera's baby, Dylan Mika Wilson. He is so cute. He was sleeping very peacefully and ignored all of us crowding around him. I also had an issue with my friends, they were both mad at me. Dara was mad at me because i am not being supporting enough of her quiting her bad habit. I am trying to be supportive, but a part of me can't help wondering if she is lying to me, because she has lied to me before, about this particular habit. Sydney was mad at me because I was talking "shit" about her behind her back. I did talk about her with Kassie, but it wasn't anything that bad and it wasn't anything I hadn't told her. But we went to McDonalds' after Broadcasting and talked it out, so we are all okay now.
So, my last show was on Sunday. It was really good and we did mess up, but not was much. Dara came, but she left before the second act where our dance was. I was kinda annoyed, but whatever. Sydney tried to come, but her parents wouldn't let her, so she didn't make it. I wore different makeup because, my eyeshadow was a little dark on Saturday. I also watched 3 of the 5 Superman movies. I really like Superman and I think anyone who has the courage to stand around in that spandex suit deserves a metal. Because I know very few people who could do that. It was fun I enjoyed it. I am going to do it again next year, I might even talk to my mom about doing hip-hop too.
Ps. The picture is Sydney on the left and Dara on the right.
Monday, May 12, 2008
New Phone

So, today, mom got a new phone, a blackberry in fact, so she gave her old phone to me. This is very cool for me, because I have had my old phone forever. So, it is cool to get this phone. I recorded, some songs onto it, to use as ringtones. I am very excited. I have to go to bed soon, but I wanted to post as well. Nothing special happened today, other than that. I will post tomorrow.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Mother's Day

Here is what I wrote to my mom in her Mother's Day card:
Dear Mom,
Steve says Mother’s Day is about showing your appreciation, but there is no way any card could show how much I love you and how much I appreciate what you do for me. I think you are an amazing. You are one of the cool Moms out there. This is probably helped by the fact that I tell you everything and I am a good, but some parents would be freaks anyway. Thank you for always being there when I need you. Thank you for always being open to helping me with my crazy friends and always telling me the truth. (Or at least as much as you can without breaking the mom code that says, every mom has to tell their daughter they are the most beautiful girl on the planet.) I think you are fantastical and there is no better mom. I love you.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
First two dance shows
Today, I had my first and second dance show and I am beat. I screwed up a lot, but it was okay because even the girls who compete screwed up. It was a lot of fun, even though I don’t like the other girls in my dance, except
Friday, May 09, 2008
Dress rehearsal & Ex Ed
Today I had dress rehearsal for my dance show tomorrow it was interesting, because the first time my group went on stage we forgot half the dance and finished way early. It was awful, because everyone else in the show was watching us. I was so mortified. Then we went and practiced in the elementary school lunchroom and when we got back on stage we were so much better. I was proud of our turnaround.
Also there is this guy who goes to our school and he is really hot, but I didn’t know he was a dancer. I saw him dance and he went way up the hotness scale. The only problem is he is a jerk and has a girlfriend. Oh well, you can’t win ‘em all.
Day Two in
Heather and I got up really early to take showers. Then we met the rest of the group downstairs at 7:30 am to go have breakfast in the cafeteria.
After breakfast we got all our stuff together to go to a workshop and a play and prologue in town. We walked a mile into town and went to the Black Swan, where our workshop was. It was a culture workshop. We talked about what culture was and how each of the plays would have been different if they had been set in a different culture. It was fun , but really long. After that we were given an hour for lunch and then told to meet our group at a building across the street from all the theaters.
There we had a prologue were the woman talked about the Clay Cart, the play we were about to go see. The Clay Cart is a Sanskrit play written over a thousand years ago. It is about this courtesan (or prostitute) named Vasantesena , who falls in love with this guy and all this stuff happens. It was really good and there was a lot of humor. The set was also very cool and there were people who were doors it was a very cool concept. One part of the set was a giant blue foot so that was cool. We all enjoyed the play. After the play we had more free time and we did some more shopping.
Then Erin and I tried to head towards dinner, which was at 7, but we got lost and couldn’t find the Mexican restaurant we were supposed to be at. When we finally got there, we were 10 minutes late. I ordered a taco salad and it was very good, I loved it. Then after dinner we went to the grocery store with Heather and Lyndsey to try to buy food for our breakfast. We got muffins and orange juice and bread and apple pie. (It was my idea to get the pie.) Then we went back to the dorm and hung out for a little bit before it was time to go to bed.
I will post tomorrow!
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Good Day & Ex-Ed

I had a pretty good day today. My first class of the day was history, which is the class where my project was due. My partner and I presented and we got a 140 out of 145 the highest score in the class so far. So, that made the rest of my day, really good. I just realized that I hadn’t talked about Ex-Ed yet, so here goes:
Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Monday, May 05, 2008

I saw this tonight with my friend Sydney, it was a lot of fun and I enjoyed it very much. It is about this billionaire, named Tony Stark, who is the head of a weapons company founded by his father. He goes to
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Hello all! As you can see by the month's gap I lied the last time I posted, by saying I would post everyday. I am very sorry I have not been posting as much as I said I would, my bad. So here is what is going on in my life. Next weekend is my dance performance and I am very nervous. Erin and I have been talking about getting manicures, for the performance, but we don’t know if we are going to have time. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I have Broadcasting, which is a news program for the school. That is about it, school is okay, and although I always need to better I am working on it.