Giggles and Musings

My life in well...... not a nutshell. I will be telling the world what is going on in mine (my world that is).

Friday, May 16, 2008

Prince Caspian

Yesterday, after school we went to a really expensive, store in town and tried on clothes that we were never going to buy. There we met up with one of Sydney and Dara's friends named Michelle, who is rich and she bought us smoothies. After we drank our smoothies Dara opened Doughboys, so that we could see the inside, because it had been rearranged. Soon after we arrived at Doughboys, Dara and Sydney, started screaming and getting physical. I got in between them and got smacked and pushed. Sydney and I left, but ten minutes later Dara had found us and we were all friends again. Lame, huh? Then we went back into Doughboys and tried on a ton of stuff and Dara wouldn't stop ragging on my style, which was making me mad. Then we realized that it was almost time for Prince Caspian and so we had to clean up. Sydney and I went ahead to the movie and got seats which was a good thing, because it turned out that half our school was at the movie.

Then we watched Prince Caspian. it was a really good movie, but more people died and it was more violent. Also, although I talk during movies, Dara was driving me insane, because anytime Susan even looked at Prince Caspian Dara would scream, "No, he's mine." It was getting really annoying and kinda ruining the movie. All in all the movie was good, but it was really long, like two and a half hours, so Sydney and I just got to my house now.

Also today was the last day of actual school for the seniors.


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