Giggles and Musings

My life in well...... not a nutshell. I will be telling the world what is going on in mine (my world that is).

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Today, I went to see Indiana Jones with Sydney, because we are both really big fans. It was fun. I thought it was great that they used the old Paramount logo,because it was hearkening back to the original Indiana's. The story line was actually really decent and I enjoyed the fact that Karen Allen had a cameo as her character Marion Ravenwood. I thought it was a good move on the studio's part. I enjoyed the movie, but it was a little to sci-fi for an Indiana Jones movie. It wasn't like the old ones which were all history based there was a lot of magic and fantasy in it. But regardless it was good and I think based on the ending that they will be making another one. The only real problem I had with it was that there was a lot of CGI, I wish they had used more old-school techniques to do the stunts and special effects.


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