Giggles and Musings

My life in well...... not a nutshell. I will be telling the world what is going on in mine (my world that is).

Monday, July 16, 2007

People to People European Odyssey journal, 07/09/07

Day 16.

Today I woke up at 8 am. (I forgot to say that after I finished my ournal, I went up on the top deck and found everyone dancing so I joined them. It was fun. Then Kim and I ran back to our room and made it a minute before curfew. Then Kim proceeded to break a glass. After we cleaned it up, we talked a little and then went to bed.) I woke Breanna up at 8:20 am, like she told me to. But she started the day with a bad attitude. Kim got up at 8:30 am.

We had to be at breakfast at 8:45 and Kim and I had to run to make it. Breanna was late. We had bread, packaged toast, cake and a hard boiled egg. Then I went out on the deck with Joy. We sat around and talked for a little while. Then at 9:45 am, I went in to pack up my suitcase to make sure I had everything I did that and then tried to help Kim curl her hair without a mirror. It didn't work. At 10:30 am, I went back on the deck with Joy and at 11:00 I brought my suitcase out to the lobby with everyone else. We sat there for about 45 mins. During that time, we met a Canadian girl. When she saw recognized my necklace, I instantly slipped into Charmed mode and she knew what I was talking about but everyone else just looked confused. They had never seen me do that and I think it freaked them out. Then it took us like 1/2 hour to get off the boat. Once we did, we got on the bus. I missed Nicola's bus. The bus was gross, it looked like it hadn't been cleaned or repaired in years. There was trash and gum in all the ashtrays and it smelled bad. Plus there was no AC. We drove 1 1/2 hours to Olympia. I got to see Zeus and Hera's temples. They were amazing, even by the ruins you can tell that. And even though I got to see them . . . I didn't really get to see them. I want to see them the day after they were completed to get the full effect. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face after seeing them. Then we got back on the bus. We drove for 2 hours and then stopped at a gas station where I called my mom. She told me that my cards can't be used at an ATM, so now I'm screwed. I still have to buy stuff for Steve and my grandparents and i want to buy more stuff for Erin and my mom. I now have to try and beg someone to switch me 80 euros for one of those cards.

Then we got back on the bus for another 1 1/2 hours. By the way, it turns out that I'm allergic to some of the flowers out here or something because I have been sneezing and sniffling all day. Joy to the world!!

Then we arrived at the hotel where we found another group of People to People people. Adriana said, "I don't like People to People people unless they're my People to People people." It was great. (I don't know if I already mentioned this, but Adriana is homophobic.)

Then we went to dinner. We had quiche and then meat patties and french fries. After dinner, I went to bed. (I can't remember what else I did.) I was rooming with Julie and Kimberly.


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