Giggles and Musings
My life in well...... not a nutshell. I will be telling the world what is going on in mine (my world that is).
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
About Me

I am a big fan of Charmed, Smallville, Gilmore Girls, and Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. I even have a website that demonstrates that fact. I have a 3 year old Cairn Terrier (like Toto in The Wizard of Oz). I also love to read and I always have a book with me no matter where I am. I also am very scatter brained and easily distracted. I am constantly losing things. For example: the other day I lost my brand-new hard cover book and unless I find it today I am going to have to buy a new one.(I found my book!!)
I have a close knit group of family and friends. My Best friend’s name is Erin. She is in 8th grade and is the best friend a girl could want, but she can be a complete goofball sometimes.
My mom is a strong hard working woman that raised me mostly on her own and still works two jobs. I love her with all my heart and she is probably the biggest influence on my life. My dad is not a constant presence in my life, I only see him once a year. Another big influence on me are my mom’s parents. They live in Glenview, Illinois, but they have a condo here so I see them a ton.
My Favorites
Color: Green
Food: Giordano’s pizza
Sport to watch: Dance or Gymnastics
Book: At the moment it is Fairest by Gail Carson Levine
All time favorite book: Happy Endings Are All Alike by Sandra Scoppettone
Movie: To Kill A Mockingbird
Song: Either Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down, Unspeakable by Ace of Base, or Love is a Battlefield by Pat Benatar
Dog Breed: Cairn Terrier
Animal: White Tiger, Harp Seal, Giraffe, and Spider Monkey
Card Game: Cruel
TV Show: Charmed
My favorite celebrity is Holly Marie Combs who plays Piper on Charmed.
My Favorite Websites
Charmed-net is a website that is completely about Charmed. The website is not originally in English, but the page I use is. It is full of information about the cast and their lives. It also has a description of each episode along with a trailer and a fan fiction 9th season that I love reading.
Mountain Musings
Mountain Musings is my mom’s blog that I visit daily. I love reading what she thinks about life and all that jazz. There is also a link to my blog from her blog.
Library Thing
Library Thing is a website that allows you to catalog your library I often use it to find out if I have a certain book or maybe who the book is by.
Miniclip is a games website that I visit often. I love their games.
TWIZ TV is a website that has scripts of TV shows and movies. It has most of the shows that are on now and a bunch of old ones as well. I spend most of my time there reading Charmed scripts.
The person I would most like to punch is Shannen Doherty for leaving Charmed and because she is an complete and total idiot. She even has her own reality show called Breaking Up with Shannen Doherty.
The College I want to go to is The University of Iowa in Iowa City.
Sunday, November 12, 2006

By writing her first book, she basically signed an agreement that she would satisfy her millions of fans.
I confess that she has stopped satisfying me. Her books are driving me batty. I am only reading them now in the hopes that the ending will be one I like. I have pretty much given up on a good ending, though. She killed Cedric, Sirius and Dumbledore.
I feel that J.K. Rowling is not to be trusted anymore with writing these books. I am so very afraid that the books will not end in a good way.
Katie keeps telling me that everything happens for a reason, even in books, and that it will all be okay. She thinks that when Dumbledore said, "Please, Snape," he was begging to die and now he will come back stronger than ever, like Gandalf in Lord of the Rings.
I wish I could believe that, but I'm not so sure. I, however, can think of reasons why it would be like she said.
One, Dumbledore was a big fan of phoenixes which die and then are reborn.
Two, he is too determined and powerful to die that easily. I man, he is the only person that Voldemort is afraid of and Voldemort wouldn't be afraid of him if he was that easy to kill.
Third, Dumbledore has killed people, I know he has, it might have been only self-defense but isn't that how you get horocruxes? So, Dumbledore must have one or two floating around somewhere.
I just wish I wasn't so doubtful that this would end well.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Fiddler on the Roof

I went to ACT's production of Fiddler on the Roof last night. I actually really liked it although I was frustrated with the arranged marriage thing. Then at intermission my mom, started saying how I should go out for plays put on by ACT (Aspen Community Theater). But I am just so afraid that I would do something stupid or idiotic. I think that if I could work up the courage to try out I would probably get a small part. I just don't have the courage. The acting was fabulous especially by Pat Holloran (Tevye), and Tammy Barr (Golda). Their were alot of people I know in volved in this play. Gina Nuzzo, Katie Bird, Maria King, Stedmen Scholl and Nicole Weiss were all villagers. Nina Gabianelli was Yente, the Matchmaker. Lane McDiffett was Perchik, the Student. Aaron Poh was the Fiddler. Heather Boronski, Kerry Braisted, Keaton Doyle, Hilary Fitzpatrick, Paul Jung, and Charles Sailor were part of the Running Crew and Fly Rail. Lucy Shore was a Student Assistant. Wendy Larson, my 6th grade teacher was the Conductor. It was wierd reading the program and seeing so many names and faces I knew. I loved the first number "Tradition", but the play quickly lost my interest, I was bored by intermission. Then, i was caught up in the play again before I knew it. At the end as happens with most plays I decided I liked it. (The only play that didn't happen with was last year's high school production of Beauty and the Beast.) The weirdest thing was just recently we had been talking about "If I Was A Rich Man", because I made my mom listen to the remake by Gwen Stefani. It was odd to hear the original version and feel like it was the remake, but then again that happens to me alot seeing as the current music industry has more of a nack for redoing 80's songs than coming up wiht their own songs. I swear the other day when i almost bought a collection of 80's music I recognized about 60% of the music and 75% of the music i recognized I atributed to the wrong artist. Anyway the point is I had a ton of fun watching the play, but I would have rather been in it.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
And People Are Idiots!

I was Lois Lane for Holloween. And it was the funniest thing because I thought that everyone knew who Lois Lane was and that I wasn't going to have to explain my costume this year. but apparently people at my high school are really out of the loop becauase I had to keep explaining who Lois Lane was. Hello!! Ever watched Superman? Well, apparently not!
Also I am not wearing a wig in that picture, that is my real hair. We died it with temporary die that washes out in 8-12 washes. It was originally going to be brown, but there was no brown temporary die so we died it black instead, but obviously my hair is too light for black die because that is three whole bottles of die in my hair in those pictures, but my hair is still gray. That was actually really annoying because I had to keep telling people that my hair was NOT gray.