Giggles and Musings

My life in well...... not a nutshell. I will be telling the world what is going on in mine (my world that is).

Sunday, November 12, 2006


I am so fed up with J.K. Rowling.

By writing her first book, she basically signed an agreement that she would satisfy her millions of fans.

I confess that she has stopped satisfying me. Her books are driving me batty. I am only reading them now in the hopes that the ending will be one I like. I have pretty much given up on a good ending, though. She killed Cedric, Sirius and Dumbledore.

I feel that J.K. Rowling is not to be trusted anymore with writing these books. I am so very afraid that the books will not end in a good way.

Katie keeps telling me that everything happens for a reason, even in books, and that it will all be okay. She thinks that when Dumbledore said, "Please, Snape," he was begging to die and now he will come back stronger than ever, like Gandalf in Lord of the Rings.

I wish I could believe that, but I'm not so sure. I, however, can think of reasons why it would be like she said.

One, Dumbledore was a big fan of phoenixes which die and then are reborn.

Two, he is too determined and powerful to die that easily. I man, he is the only person that Voldemort is afraid of and Voldemort wouldn't be afraid of him if he was that easy to kill.

Third, Dumbledore has killed people, I know he has, it might have been only self-defense but isn't that how you get horocruxes? So, Dumbledore must have one or two floating around somewhere.

I just wish I wasn't so doubtful that this would end well.


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