Erin and I we have this game we play. It is a pretend game that we have been playing since second grade. It has changed a lot as we have grown-up and changed interests. It started out as a Sailor Moon game. Then became a Sailor Moon and Harry Potter game. After Harry Potter we became interested in Totally Spies, so we dropped Sailor Moon and it was a Harry Potter and Totally Spies game. After Totally Spies, it was Harry Potter and Charmed mixed. Then Harry Potter, Charmed, and Winx Club mixed. The last version before the one we play now was Harry Potter, Charmed, Totally Spies, Winx Club, and Sailor Moon mixed. We were trying to bring it round full circle because it feels like it was more fun then. The game is now very simple, Charmed and Harry Potter with some made-up stuff. I think imaginations are the best things in the world. They help you write stories and make up games. The funny thing is we cannot seem to let go of our game, even though it isn't fun anymore. It's like one of the four things in my life keeping me sane (the other three being Emily, Erin and Charmed). Most of my friends think I am crazy for still playing in my "fantasy world", as my old counselor called it. I didn't like her, she didn't understand me and had me do all these stupid projects. We have stopped playing the game as often, but we stll play it a lot. In this post, there is a picture of the Charmed Ones, the Sailor Scouts, the Totally Spies, and Winx Club. These are TV shows (with the exception of Harry Potter, but that has no picture). Speaking of sane, I almost went INSANE with worry today because Emily is spending four days with her parents and no way to contact any of the people who will keep her sane. The only way I can help is to pray she will be at school on Monday and keep writing emails. I feel so helpless and defenseless (wait.... I think those mean the same thing). I hope she comes out alive and that she is still Emily. School is okay; the lowest grade I should get is a B which isn't the best, but it isn't horrible either. I admit that it is my fault if I get a B and I would rather have A's. Next year I swear I will be a straight A student. I would love the praise that would come with that. Besides everyone thinks I have all A's anyway and I hate telling them that my grades are actually not that good. At least they're better than Britny's (that is how she spells her name). She is gettin all F's and instead of doing schoolwork goes on myspace.com. I can kind of do that but because of my experience last year, I wouldn't be able to let myself get as low as an F in any class; it comes with a horrible feeling. I have to go to bed!! Night all!!!!