Da Vinci
What does it matter if Jesus was human or not?? Does it matter that he could have had a bloodline?? No, so why is everyone freaking out?? I don't understand why a fiction book would freak people out so much. It's a fiction book, people, you just needed to breathe. To tell you the truth, I don't have a definite religion. I believe in a mixture of a bunch of religions and things that just came out of my head. For example, I believe at the top of the mystical food chain are two people, a guy and a girl on equal footing and that although the girl was first, they created the world together, taking millions of years to do it. I think that right below them are the Angels of Destiny because The Pair don't have time to micro-manage so the Angels of Destiny do that for them. Then a couple levels down come The Elders. They control Whitelighters and Angels. I think that Angels are assigned to normal people, but Whitelighters are assigned to really good people or witches (good witches, bad witches are called warlocks). I think that nothing matters to The Pair; they love all people the good and the bad, they don't, though, love demons and warlocks and any other evil things. I also think that if Jesus did exist, he was a really good human being who did/does have a bloodline. I believe that between the Angels of Destiny and the Elders are The Godesses. No one knows how many Godesses there are, just that they are there and that there are more women on the mystical food chain than men. I don't understand why everyone is freaking out, I mean people tell me that my belief in impossible all the time. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, just what you believe.