Blank Page
Blank page
Cursor blinking at me
As I sit wondering what to write
Typing out of sheer boredom
And avoidance of my work
Homeward bound to stuff my face
Before coming back to the very place that I just left
15 minutes till the bus with nothing to do but debate getting on it
I need to eat I know
But the truth is it might be easier and more productive to stay here
I can wait until
As long as I do my homework now
The very work that I am avoiding
I have English and History and math
Which isn’t that much if you think about it
If I get it done later I can do other things
More enjoyable things
No not that get your head out of the gutter
I could instead of homework watch TV and movies
Then sleep and get up in time to take a shower
And start the day again the slow progression of days turning into weeks
Into months
Is boring and repetitive
The only thing that breaks it up is stress
So 10 minutes until the bus now
Still unsure if getting on it
Is the right way to go
If I go home my dog will be happy
I will be in a better mood
But less homework will get done and although the only thing
That I have due tomorrow is my math it will still be annoying
In an effort to keep my grades up
Perhaps I should stay here
But that will only do me good if I do my homework
Which would mean this poem has to end
And I am rather enjoying writing it
Either way the poem has to end
With 7 minutes till the bus and still no idea what to do
I end the poem in an effort
To make myself decide
So that I can make my decision
Instead of the decision making me.
In case anyone cares I wrote this before practice today and I did end up staying at school and doing my homework. I have late practice again tomorrow, but I plan to go home and eat first.