Giggles and Musings

My life in well...... not a nutshell. I will be telling the world what is going on in mine (my world that is).

Monday, February 02, 2009

Perfect Man

You seem so perfect

My perfect man

I find it hard to remember

I don’t actually know you

I watch the videos and I watch the shows

I read the Bios, the articles

I save the pictures, memorize the quotes

I laugh when you joke

And smile when you smile

I am happy when you are happy

Yet sad when you are in a relationship

I want you all to myself

And yet I want to share you

Want others to understand why I love you

I can never remember that I am one of the thousands who love you

And I can’t seem to wrap my head around

The fact that I don’t have a chance

You dominate my thoughts and my dreams

And although you distance frustrates me

Here I sit writing about you

You, who more than likely I will never meet

And even if I do

I will be just another lovestruck fan

I need to get over you

And move on to a real man

An attainable man

But if I can ever

Truly do that, I do not know

And so for now I won’t let you go

But rather hold on with all my might and

Hope that someday I find

My actual, attainable, loveable perfect man

I wrote this about an actor in one of my most recent new TV shows. I was really bored at the time and I was thinking about how teenage stars write lyrics all the time, so why couldn't I? It's not very song-like I admit, but I liked so her it is.