Giggles and Musings

My life in well...... not a nutshell. I will be telling the world what is going on in mine (my world that is).

Sunday, February 01, 2009

25 Things

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

1. I don't really want to do this.

2. I always do things like this when I am avoiding my homework.

3. I am very easily obsessed with movies and TV shows and people (mostly actors and singers)

4. My friend and I have figured out that I get crushes pretty much exclusively on people with talent.

5. Sometimes I think that I can sing, others times I feel like I should never sing again so I am not putting people through the torture.

6. I am still in that place in my life where my dreams are very unreasonable.

7. I drive my friends nuts daily, but I am not sure how to stop.

8. I almost always feel like an outcast.

9. My brain goes to depressing places very quickly no matter what I am doing.

10. I am not confident enough in myself to be confident in anything I like so I get pissed when you insult it.

11. I have a tattoo and want more. Maybe all kinds of protection symbols.

12. I have thought about dieing my hair many times, but never do because I am afraid that even after it grows out it will never be the same.

13. My music tastes range from REO Speedwagon to AC/DC to Demi Lovato to Deep Purple to Taylor Swift to Kansas and pretty much everything else.

14. I have a pretty strong personality but I never really have the motivation to fight with my friends when they tell me I am wrong or that something I like sucks.

15. I feel embarrassed for people who obviously are not embarrassed for themselves.

16. My thought process is so unlinear it's ridiculous.

17. I empathize with people that most people are horrified or disgusted by.

18. I am mortified by how emo and scary I sound writing this.

19. My mom is my best friend, except when she drives me nuts.

20. My favorite part of history is from 1920 to now. I love World Wars I & II.

21. I would love to write a book or create a Tv show that has a cult following like Harry Potter or Buffy.

22. I would rather be alone watching a movie or a book than with people. Fictional people are more trustworthy and at least around them I don't have to walk around on eggshells and can show it when I get mad.

23. I talk to myself all the time.

24. I read a ton and I have tried to read the classics, but I often have an issue with the language.

25. I am in advanced classes, but I daily feel like I am going to die from the work load.

Well, wasn't that strange and mildly depressing. I really shouldn't do those random things the only thing that happens is badness. Wait there is one more thing I have to say. It's really starting to piss me off that I have "What you feel" from the Buffy musical stuck in my head.


Blogger IamMBB said...

You are not alone.

Mon Feb 02, 08:36:00 AM MST  
Blogger Steve-O said...

The unlinear brain comment is quite true. But I am somewhat suprised at other comments. You are not alone. And I hope you get out more.

Thu Jul 30, 09:57:00 PM MDT  

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