Auditions and iPod

I auditioned for our musical this spring on Wednesday. I sang the song On My Own from Les Mis. I thought it went pretty well, but I didn't say so, because two of my friends were playing the we-suck game and talking about how bad it went. Then we took about half an hour to learn a dance. It was kinda fun, but a little hard. But I enjoyed and I was infintely more prepared than last year, so I didn't even feel nerveous until I got on stage. But it turns out that I didn't get callbacks, although two of my friends did. Technically not getting callbacks doesn't mean anything. I could still get a lead part, but I have strong feeling that I won't. And to be honest, I can't decide if I even want a big part. There is a part of me, as there is in every actor (or person really) that wants to be the star. But I think it would be less fun and so much more stressful and at least 3 times harder. So, I don't know.
Also yesterday we had our ExEd Shopping day and I think I know what ExEd I want to go on. I really want to go on Following the Ute with Lara Okamoto and Kirk Gregory, two of the funniest, most energetic teachers in the school and I think I have a pretty good chance of getting on it.
Yesterday I also lost my purse, but I found it and then later I discovered that I had misplaced my iPod. I had left it on the table at lunch and there was a chance that one of my friends had picked it up, but I thought that was unlikely. I had basically committed in my head to spending $220 on a new iPod. This morning, my friend gave me my iPod back, saying that she had had it since lunch and I found that although I was excited to get it there was definately a part of me that was like, "But I wanted a new iPod.....but but but....*sigh*...oh well." I find that kinda funny. But I'm a teenager, what do you expect. The idea of saving money escapes me. Ok well more later.
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