Jonas Brothers Concert!!

On June 24th, I went to a Jonas Brothers concert with my best friend Erin and my little cousin Lily. People really like to hate on them, but they are actually very good. It was also a very interesting experience. We had to wait in a very long line to even get in and then once we got there it was totally nuts. The Pepsi Center holds approximately 20,000 people and they would just start screaming for no reason. It wasn't even for the performers... I guess there was just alot of energy in that room. It got really annoying though, because it was really loud (but nowhere near the volume that it reached when the Jonas Brothers were onstage). Our seats were really good, it was a concert in the round and we were about 15 feet away from the stage.
The first opening act was Honor Society and I had no idea what to expect, because I didn't know that much about them and I couldn't find any of their music beforehand. They were very good. There was also this MC type person named Jessie James or something. She sang a song that sounded like she was lipsyncing hardcore. The second opening act was Jordin Sparks and she was pretty good. I don't watch American Idol, but I still kinda knew what to expect, because I heard some of her songs. She sang P.Y.T. and Tattoo and No Air as well as a couple songs that I didn't know.
Between Jordin Sparks and the Jonas Brothers there was a pretty long wait. They had to remove all of her equipment and put theirs down and they had to make sure that the sound levels were still accurate. They put carpet on the ramps that had the JB symbol on it and the fangirls screamed it was kinda ridiculous. Then we waited. We were sitting right by where all the acts entered to get under the stage and we saw Jordin Sparks and Honor Society enter that way. The Jonas Brothers band entered that way, but they brought the brothers on in a stage equipment box. It was kinda funny. Then the concert and the screaming started. I have never heard a group of people be so loud. After a few minutes I couldn't hear the screaming anymore, even though I could here the music fine, it was almost like a defensive mechanism.
They came out playing their newest single, Paranoid and ended up playing 22 full songs...ish.
In order (according to the program):
Poison Ivy
Live to Party
Play My Music (from Camp Rock)
That's Just the Way We Roll
Fly With Me
A Little Bit Longer/ Black Keys (+ Nick's speech)
Much Better(My favorite song on their new album)
Year 3000
Gotta Find You (from Camp Rock)
Turn Right
When You Look Me In the Eyes
Don't Close the Book (I don't remember this song...I don't even know what it is)
Sweet Caroline (Neil Diamond cover)
Hold On
BB Good
World War III
Battlefield (Jordin Sparks' new single...they played together)
Burnin' Up
With all the songs and dance breaks and such, they performed for over 2 hours. They were great they did flips and played their own instruments and all this stuff it was great. Parts of the stage rotated and the effect was that everyone got to see most things. There was a piece of the stage that came up and Joe and Kevin sprayed foam. There was also this really cool water feature that they used during Lovebug. It was a huge ring and it spelled out words and shapes and patterns.
I thought the concert was great. I wish I could go again. They actually left and were right in front of us, but somehow we missed that, but my mom got pictures. Together the four of us took like a thousand pictures. Then we walked back to our hotel and we were on such an adrenaline high we didn't complain once. (and unknowingly we walked past the hotel that the Jonas Brothers were staying at). It was great and I'm so glad we did it! You should go if you can!