Giggles and Musings

My life in well...... not a nutshell. I will be telling the world what is going on in mine (my world that is).

Thursday, August 14, 2008

My Schedule & My "awesomestestest" friend Sydney

Pictures of me and Sydney trying to be cool and of Sydney trying to be vogue.

Yesterday I went to school and got my locker and schedule. Then today I went back to the school with my friend Sydney, so that we could compare our schedules and where our lockers are. We have Biology II, IB Theater, IB English, and IB History together. We wanted to have choir together, but due to the fact that we are in two different levels of math that was impossible. We also got the History and English teachers we didn't want, but instead of rearranging our schedules we have decided to just deal with it. We also met the new theater teacher. She seemed very nice and like she would be a good teacher. She had an easy time talking to us like fellow humans beings, unlike some teachers who talk to students like some inferior species. She was small, but it definitely seemed like she understood students. We also found out that our new assistant principal has red hair. So that's about it. But Sydney wants to talk.

Sydney Speaks:
OWWWW!I just hit my knee on Rachel's big white desk. that monstrosity. Like Rachel said, our new Vice PrinciPAL has red hair!!! what a ginger! it makes me happy. Our Principal...charlie..says we can call him CRONZY! it will soooo stick. i willl make sure of it. So yeah, we got our schedules and all that jazz. Speaking of music, we're listening to the.... drumroll please....the JONAS BROTHERS! Apparently, they're madly in love with me....Rachel, god bless her little heart, has a serious obsession. im considering asking her if she wants to check herself into that mental hospital in "Girl, Interrupted." I think she needs to make a few sociopath friends and that one girl who puts entire chicken carcasses under her bed. Then, she hangs herself. I think it would make her feel less crazy. ahaha maybe i need to go there. You can sneak me in things to keep me occupied until im done undergoing treatment. Wow, i just went off on a rant there. Anyways, School will be a blast...oh wait, Rachel's talking about the Jonas brothers now/.One minute...i must inflict unbelievable pain on her.....*hits* STOP TALKING ABOUT THE JONAS BROTHERS!~ *smiles* anyways folks, I know you love my amazing antics, but rachel's begun talking to appliances and calling her Ipod deck a HOE(as in garden appliance) so here come the meds! haha....*smiles nervously as Rachel attempts to call her computer a i think ill go now.
peace, love, and whatever you do, always stay on your meds.

So that was my best friend Sydney. She's um... lost her medication. But don't worry I have tranquilizers. No, she's great and really smart although apparently doesn't believe in capitalizing things. Okay well, we have to go to her house and watch Roswell, Buffy, and Bones. I will report back tomorrow and let you know if I survive. Peace Out!


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