The new Jonas Brothers album called A Little Bit Longer came out yesterday and I love it. It has a bunch of great songs and it really shows how much they have grown as people and as musicians. I will do a track by track rating.
1. BB Good-- This song is about wanting a girl to be true to you and has some kinda funny moments in it. Not my favorite song, but it has a decent beat and some pretty good guitar, but it kinda sounds like Joe is really straining his voice.
2.Burnin' Up-- I have heard this song way too many times, but that aside it is a very good summer song. It was inspired by Prince and showcases their vocal abilities, especially Nick. Also, Big Rob raps on the track which is a departure from their usual style.
3. Shelf-- I don't really like this song, it seems kinda pointless and reminds me of typical teeny bopper music. Its about a girl who won't even give you a try and is just okay. Nick does hit some pretty high notes, so that's interesting.
4. One Man Show-- Probably my favorite song on the album. I love the beat. It has more of a rock vibe and is very opinionated and strong. In this song they are fed up with girls and are just like I am fine alone. Joe and Nick do a really good job with this song. I just really like it.
5. Lovebug-- This is a very interesting song, because besides the singing, which really shows that they have good voices, there is talking. Alot of it is very random, Joe says stuff like "Get off the cake" and " I dropped my pencil". The song itself is a love song about being in love again and getting to know thw girl better. It is a little more folky sounding except for the end. It s an all around great song.
6. Tonight-- This song is about a couple fighting and the fact that they aren't going to figure it out right then. Its like they need space to think or whatever. I think its a good song for them becasuse a lot of people go through stuff like that. It has a decent beat and very good vocals as always.
7. Can't Have You-- This is a pretty sad song, its about a girl leaving her boyfriend or something like that and how he kinda took her for granted and now he sees how stupid he was. And how the only girl he really wants is her and he can't have her and so he doesn't want anyone else.
8. VideoGirl-- I really like this song as well. It starts with a girl saying "OMG, Did you hear I'm dating a Jonas Brother? Its so hot!" I think the girl is Megan Jette Martin, one their co-stars from Camp Rock. Its just about people who care too much about fame and money and use people to get it.
9. Pushin' Me Away-- I really like this song because there are a lot of different sounds in it and it is again something that is very relevant. Joe's vocals are amazingly great and so are Nick's. There is also this one part where Nick goes "Aaahhhh", that is really random, but fun.
10. Sorry-- In this song the boys apoligize for every promise that they weren't around to keep. it was written with their producer and there is some speculation that Nick wrote it with Miley in mind. Just a good song and a good message.
11. Got Me Going Crazy-- I really like the opening riff in this song. This is the typical cookie cutter song about someone driving you crazy. Briney did it Ashley did it and now them. Its still a good song, just a little bit predictible.
12. A Little Bit Longer--This is a very good song and great to listen to when you just got bad news. I like the lyrics and the music and the fact that he uses cliches. But I have heard the story of this song too many times. I understand finding out about his diabetes was hard and scary. I like the song and its message and I even like the story, but I wish people would stop asking about it.
Overall I really love this album. I love the fact that their are little suprises on each song.
Plus I have the actually physical CD which has CD+Vu. This means that when you put it in your computer this program comes up and you can see all this extra stuff on the Cd, printible photos, downloadable walpapers, behind the scenes vidoes, and more. It is a great feature.
I love the CD and the Jonas Brothers. Go buy it!!!