School Has Started!!!!!!!! And Its Tough!!!!!!!
I'm back!! Not that I really went any where. I was just drowning in homework so I had no time to blog. Even right now I'm supposed to be cleaning my room. I have to blog when ever I can. The plan i made at the beginning of the year is going well. Here is the plan if you don't know it already: I am going to an absolute friendless loser with no life. And the reason this is a good plan is because if I don't have a social life I have plenty of time to do my homework and if I do my homework and turn it all in on time. Then my goal of having a 4.0 grade point average will be a snap. I recived some stuff I ordered from amazon on Tuesday. I was very excited I ordered New Moon By Stphenie Meyer. Twilight By Stephenie Meyer, and Superman II . I have to go finish my room More Later!!!!!!!