Giggles and Musings

My life in well...... not a nutshell. I will be telling the world what is going on in mine (my world that is).

Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring Break Day 1

Today we got up really early, but it was snowing (over a foot), so we waited for it to clear up. This was good for many reasons, one being that I had gotten two hours of sleep the night before and so I was moving rather slowly (Damn you , adderall). I finished my laundry and packed. We got on the road around 11:30am. It was good fun. We listened to the radio, specifially 90's on 9 and talked a lot. My mom also made me read A Tale of Two Cities to her (my spring break English homework). It was a fun drive.
Then we arrived in Vegas. We are going to Los Angeles, but we stopped overnight in Vegas. I have only been to Vegas once before and I was very young and I didn't stay long. It was tonight that I discovered I don't like Vegas. It seemed to me to be all the bad things about Disney World with none of the good things. Plus drugs and alcohol and tons of stupidity. I don't think I have ever seen so much tacky in one place. And all the hotels that were pretending to be places in Europe are sad imitations of the real thing. We walked along the strip and I got really frustrated and I just wanted to go back the hotel. But mom wanted to keep walking and so we did and I got progressively more crabby. We came back to the hotel and are now going to bed. I am so tired.


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