Giggles and Musings

My life in well...... not a nutshell. I will be telling the world what is going on in mine (my world that is).

Saturday, July 14, 2007

People to People European Odyssey journal, 03/20/07

At my school, we have All days, Red days and Black days. All days are Mondays. Red days are Tuesdays and Thursdays. Black days are Wednesdays and Fridays. I am going to describe a Black day.

School starts at 8:10 am, so I catch the school bus at 7:45 am. while waiting for the bus, I either lip sync to my iPod or sit and read. Then, on the bus, I sit up towards the front because there is always an empty seat. I either turn my iPod up really loud and listen to that or I try to tune out the rambunctious little kids (without success).

The first class on a Black day is 5th period, which is Intro to Theater in the Black Box. It is always cold in the Black Box for some reason. We are doing a play in theater, so every class we run through it. It gets kind of tiring and repetitive.

Then, from 9:45 - 10:00 am, we have Tutorial. Tutorial was originally designed so that students would have time to visit their teachers with any questions. But we use it to get a snack instead. I buy these delicious homemade chocolate chip cookies every Tutorial.

6th period is Writing Workshop/Math Enrichment. I have W.W. until 10:50 am. We write essays, stories and poems. The goal is to improve everyone's writing. Some people still only have fourth grade writing levels. Then, at 10:50 am, I have Math Enrichment. The goal in that class is to improve everyone's math skills, because a lot of people have holes in their learning. I like chatting with Julie and Brook who are the teachers of thoses classes. We talk about everything from books to music to movies ot TV shows.

Then, at 11:30 am, we get let out for lunch. I typically have a turkey sandwich, fruit, Powerade and another cookie. When I am done, I go into the library or the M.S. Office classroom and go online. I read Fan Fiction until my next class.

My next class is Geology. That classroom always smells bad. I am always partnered with this girl named Heather for labs. She and the fact that I do good on tests are the only reasons I am not failing that class.

Then, at 1:45 pm, I have French. That room also smells weird like gas from a stove. We are on our food unit and are filming cooking shows entirely in French but don't be fooled. I am not at all fluent.

Then I catch the school bus home and do my homework.


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