Giggles and Musings

My life in well...... not a nutshell. I will be telling the world what is going on in mine (my world that is).

Thursday, December 28, 2006


I am supposed to be working right now, but instead I am going to write a post complaining about work. I really don't like my job. I don't mind the money; in fact I love it. What I don't like is the work I am forced to do. I get stuck with all the jobs that no one else wants to do. I wish I could have written a book by now or something, but, as it is, I am stuck doing trivial jobs. I like the people I work with who are all older than me, but sometimes I feel like they use me. I also wish that I would get paid more, seeing as I do all the grunt work. The job I hate most is filing charts, because I am really bad with the alphabet. I have to go back to work now. More later!!


Blogger IamMBB said...

Incentive to work up to bigger and better things. Work hard at school!!!!!

Thu Dec 28, 01:18:00 PM MST  

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